Comparison between continuous (cSEVC) and discontinuous (dSEVC) single electrode voltage-clamp

Continuous single electrode voltage-clamp (cSEVC)
discontinuous single electrode voltage-clamp (dSevc)
The same pipette is used simultaneously for voltage recording and current passing
The same micropipette is used and shares time to inject current and record voltage
Cell Size
Better with smaller cells
Better with larger cells as signal is noisier with small cells
Optimal Current Range
Currents <5 nA due to noise
Currents must be modest or large in size >5 nA
Resistance Compensation
Series resistance compensation performed by amplifier
Series resistance compensated by sampling rate and capacitance compensation
Voltage at the Tip of the Electrode
Voltage at the tip of the electrode and the ruptured patch benefits from series resistance compensation by the amplifer to achieve command voltage
Voltage at the tip of the electrode (within the cell) is clamped to the command voltage
Voltage at the Top of the Pipette
The voltage at the top of the pipette is controlled by a voltage-clamp circuit. It is the sum of the membrane potential and the current-induced voltage across the pipette
Works better with a larger access resistance (from both pipette and ruptured patch)
Available Axon Amplifier(s)
Axopatch 200B
MultiClamp 700B
(whole-cell patch mode)
Axoclamp 900A
Additional Information
What is continuous single electrode-voltage clamp (cSEVC)?
What is discontinuous single electrode-voltage clamp (dSEVC)?

For more information, please download our Axon Guide.

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