Intestinal Organoids

Intestinal Organoids

Intestinal Organoids

Intestinal organoids are 3D microtissue models that recapitulate structures in the intestinal lumen and on the surrounding intestinal epithelium.

Most intestinal organoids are derived from primary intestinal tissue cultured in Matrigel domes with growth factors. Under these conditions, the intestinal cells self-arrange to form a single epithelial layer. The epithelium contains the essential cell populations found in the adult intestinal epithelium and is arranged in a crypt-villus structure. It can simulate essential intestinal functions, such as nutrient absorption and mucus secretion.

The cell composition and arrangement of the epithelium make intestinal organoids useful for studying intestinal cell biology, regeneration, differentiation, as wells as diseases phenotypes including effects of specific mutations, microbiome, or inflammation process.

Automation of 3D intestinal organoid culture and imaging protocols

Here we demonstrate a workflow for the automation of 3D intestinal organoid culture. We developed automated methods for the seeding, and media exchange, as well as monitoring the development of intestinal organoids. In addition, this method allows automation of compound testing and evaluation of phenotypic changes.

Watch our short webinar with Dr. Oksana Sirenko, senior scientist as she discusses the protocols used to automate 3D intestinal organoids.

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Integrated system for high-throughput intestinal organoid workflow

The automated organoid workcell includes the ImageXpress® Confocal High-Content Imaging System, automated CO2 incubator, automated Biomek i7 liquid handler, collaborative robot and rail, and additional, optional instruments including an automated centrifuge, our ImageXpress® Pico Automated Cell Imaging System, and SpectraMax microplate reader. This integrated system allows for automated monitoring, maintenance, and characterization of growth and differentiation of organoids and stem cells, as well as testing the effects of various compounds.

Integrated system for high-throughput intestinal organoid workflow

Our lab automation for high-throughput, high-content screening include scientists and engineers who can customize our instruments, as well as automate entire workflows to meet the specific needs of your assay, method, or protocol. From incubators, liquid handlers, and robotics to customized software and hardware—and with over 35 years of experience in the life science industry—you can count on us to deliver quality products and provide worldwide support.

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Intestinal organoids for automated screening assays. High content imaging and analysis of organoid morphology

In this application, 3D intestinal organoids were developed from primary mouse intestinal cells cultured in Matrigel. Methods for automated liquid handling were developed for cell seeding in Matrigel droplets and for media addition and exchanges. Six-week-old organoids were treated with various compounds followed by the live/dead assay and advanced image analysis to assess effects of treatment. In addition, methods to increase throughput, such as automated organoid assays and compound screening, are presented.

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Intestinal organoids for automated screening assays. High content imaging and analysis of organoid morphology

Latest resources on organoid research

The complexity of 3D assays remains a hurdle for the wider adoption of organoid models in research and drug screening. New advanced tools for imaging and analysis, as well as assay automation are critical for increased quality of information, throughput, and precision of complex biological models. Learn how high-throughput, high-content imaging and analysis paired with AI-based analytic tools can improve the accuracy of your organoid studies.

Resources for Intestinal Organoids