Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences uses MetaMorph software to study proteins at the transition zone of primary cilia


Academia Sinica, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences


Jung-Chi Liao, PhD, Associate Research Fellow


MetaMorph Microscopy Automation and Image Analysis Software

The Challenge

Dr. Jung-Chi Liao’s lab at Academia Sinica in Taiwan focuses on understanding the structure and function of proteins at the base of primary cilia in mammalian cells. Specifically, they aim to reveal the molecular architecture of the ciliary transition zone and transition fibers.
Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences uses MetaMorph Software

The Solution

They use MetaMorph® Software with super-resolution image processing to perform two-color fluorescent imaging and have determined the relative positions of proteins at the ciliary base.

Products Used

MetaMorph® Microscopy Automation & Image Analysis Software is the industry standard for automated microscope acquisition, device control, and image analysis, bringing microscopists greater understanding of cell morphology, function, and behavior for over 25 years. It is the ideal "glue" for easily integrating dissimilar fluorescent microscope hardware and peripherals into a single custom workstation, while providing all the tools needed to perform meaningful analysis of acquired images. The software offers many user-friendly application modules for biology-specific analysis such as cell signaling, cell counting, and protein expression.

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