High-content image analysis software
MetaXpress® Acquire High-Content Image Acquisition Software is a comprehensive solution for high-content imaging, designed for use with our ImageXpress HCS.ai High-Content Screening System. An intuitive interface and guided workflows streamline even complex imaging assays, enabling you to start generating data in minutes.

Streamline complex imaging workflows
Easily perform a vast range of assays, including 2D, 3D and time-lapse studies, quickly and easily. A wholly upgraded interface shortens the learning curve, simplifies workflows and minimizes errors

AI-powered image analysis
Seamless integration with our AI-powered IN Carta® Image Analysis software empowers you to unlock new discoveries through the power of machine learning.

Customized image acquisition
Users requiring specialised assays can customize their workflow to meet their specific requirements.
6-channel cell painting acquisition in MetaXpress Acquire software

User-friendly interface
A simplified, upgraded interface means any user can quickly get started acquiring robust, reliable data. Guided workflows support the user through the creation of complex image acquisition protocols.

File based storage system
Easily collaborate in a multi-user environment, move data, and customize storage options.

QuickID Targeted Acquisition
Identify objects or events of interest at low magnification and automatically image at a higher magnification. Train your system to recognize objects of interest with IN Carta deep-learning segmentation.

Custom acquisitions
Advanced users can leverage the software’s flexibility to create customized protocols, customized to their specific applications.