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SynBioBeta 2020 QPix Panel Discussion


SynBioBeta - QPix Panel Discussion 2020 | Molecular Devices


Fully automate colony picking workflows for DNA assembly, antibody discovery and protein engineering


The QPix® Microbial Colony Pickers combine intelligent image analysis with precise automation for fast and efficient screening of large libraries. With a variety of data tracking and assay tools, the QPix Software streamlines the control and management of complex and iterative processes.

The QPix can pick 3,000 colonies per hour, and automate plate replication, cherry picking, streaking, and more. For a fully-automated work cell solution, the QPix can be integrated with other lab components such as incubators, liquid handlers, and robotics.

Your complete QPix colony picking workflow



Quickly get started with automated plating and streaking of 96 samples in as little as 30 minutes



Gain flexibility with many selection criteria, e.g. fluorescence intensity, blue/white selection, size and proximity, axis ratio and zone of inhibition, driven by easy-to-use, intuitive software



Organism-specific picking pins maximize efficiency for a wide range of organisms including E. coli, phage, and yeast, picking up to 30,000 colonies a day while plating-specific pins ensure uniform distribution of liquid culture onto agar



Streamline your assay and sample management with automated plate handling and tracking, flexible plate replication, gridding and hit-picking. Use up to 20 positions on your plating system deck without manual intervention



Cherry pick from microplate to microplate to consolidate desired clones. QPix can accommodate up to 21 well plates, while a robot can accommodate, simultaneously, many more source and destination well plates in one rearraying sequence

High-throughput, automated colony picking and screening with data management


Learn more about our QPix 400 Series Microbial Colony Pickers

The QPix system combines intelligent image analysis with precise automation for fast and efficient screening of large libraries. With a variety of data tracking and assay tools, the QPix Software streamlines the control and management of complex and iterative processes.

  • Automate several sample prep and plate handling processes such as transfer of bacterial liquid culture and plating on agar
  • Streamline your workflow with scalable automation – pick up to 30,000 colonies per day
  • Electronic data tracking for well-documented data control
  • Sterile environment with customizable HEPA filtration options

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QPix 400 Series Microbial Colony Pickers