University of California, Berkeley use the GenePix 4300A scanner to study targeted proteomics of single cells
UC Berkeley
Amy Herr, PhD, Associate Professor
GenePix 4300/4400 Microarray Scanner
The Challenge

The Solution
Her group uses the GenePix® 4300A Microarray Scanner for their new single-cell western blotting tools.

GenePix Microarray Systems
Products Used
The GenePix® 4300A and GenePix® 4400A Scanners from Molecular Devices offer maximum imaging quality with optimal resolution in highly configurable platforms. Configurations include 5μm or 2.5μm per-pixel maximum scanning resolution, choices of up to four lasers for excitation, and sixteen emission-wavelength filters. These options allow the systems to detect a wide variety of fluorophores. Coupled with GenePix® Pro Microarray Image Analysis Software and Acuity® Microarray Informatics Software, the GenePix Systems provide powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use solutions for the acquisition and analysis of data from all types of arrays, including nucleic acids, proteins, tissues, and cells.